The Snoo, Birth Classes and Swaddles OH MY!

I am someone that likes to look at all of my options. I read reviews, search online and compare. I imagine that is what you may be doing as you prepare to give birth to your tiny human.

I imagine at times you are overwhelmed and conflicted with all of the options and to do’s to give birth. 

Do I really need a birth class? 

Do I really need a doula?

Do I really need to learn how to swaddle, or buy a Dock-a- Tot or Snoo? 

What is delayed cord clamping? Is it something I need to ask for? 

The truth here is that your baby really only needs you , ok and some diapers probably. 

Your body already knows how to give birth - even if it has never done it before. 

Your body already knows how to produce breast milk - even if it has never done it before. 

All of the fancy baby gadgets can be helpful and convenient at times but the truth is that you don't really need  any of them to welcome your baby home.

A doula client of mine recently asked what she needed to get for her postpartum recovery. I would like to share with you a minimalist list of things that will help you too. 

For postpartum recovery I recommend getting 2 breastfeeding stations ready and a bathroom station 

For the Breastfeeding Station

  • Caddy for everything  - Think if you want it to be something you can pick up and carry or just roll around with you. 

  • Snacks ( easy, yummy, and nutritious) 

  • Chapstick, lotion

  •  Diapers , wipes & diaper cream

  •  Silverette nipple cups -I love these because they heal nipples so well, you don’t need nipple cream and they are antimicrobial. 

  • Burp cloths 

  • Haaka - I love these because when you are breastfeeding on one side, the other side tends to leak. So the Haaka is an easy way to catch that milk and save it vs letting it soak into a breast pad.. 

For the Bathroom Station

  • Cart or caddy for everything 

  • Frida mom peri bottle - you don't need it, you will get a basic one from wherever you are birthing but these are really nice since they spray upside down. 

  • Depends

  • Overnight Pads

  •  Breast pads 

Now lets dive into Birth Classes - Do you really need to take a class?

As I mentioned above, your body will know what to do. It will know how to start labor, continue labor and push out your baby. However what happens is that our fears, other peoples inputs and believes tend to contribute in a negative way. Yes there are some circumstances where our babies just know that they need to come out a different way ie: cesarean.

However 90% of births will require no medical intervention but if there are things preventing the necessary hormonal cocktail to flow then yes, it may influence a more interventive labor experience. This is where educating yourself about birth is so important.

Birth education increases your chances of having a more positive experience, it increases your confidence and ability to make more informed decisions which allows for a more empowering experience overall.

But there are so many classes to choose from!!

If you are researching which birth class to take I would like to share with you what I think makes my birth class unique. 

For me, I want you to feel like a friend. Someone that can laugh with ( and sometimes at ) me as we navigate this pregnancy and birth journey together.

I want you to feel like you can reach out to me with any questions that come up. I CARE about your experience ! 

If you follow me on Instagram then you might have a good idea about my personality already. If not, here is my IG handle.

I believe in the Wise Woman Model of care which is “ The oldest healing perspective, originating from connection to Source & Mother Earth. WE are inherently whole & experience are doorways to transformation. Life is a spiral, leading us to greater self-knowledge & connection to all that is. Gentleness, Nourishment, self- grace, wise space holders who reflect our inner knowing (expert as self). All is interconnected, interwoven, interrelated- healing comes from this web of right relationships.” - Sara Braun @rewild-mothers. 

So as I open doorways for you in each model to learn or explore , I ask that you tap into what you feel about your own body and baby. 

It is important to me that I help guide you back to trusting yourself.

My Guide book for mothers and partners has specific exercises that allow you and challenge you to strengthen the bond within yourself and with your partner. This is available to you through The Confident Birth Blueprint.

My birth classes are not just shoving information into your brain, but it is an invitation to dive deeper into what you want and desire to become through this transformative journey. 

IF you feel this may be just what you have been looking for in a birth class, then I invite you over to my new website to read more about what I offer and how I can help you discover your inner wise woman and help guide you on your journey into parenthood.

You are worth investing in, because your birth and your postpartum experience matters


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