Protecting Your Peace

Let's talk about those pesky people that love to share how terrifying birth is.

First thing, if you have people like this in your life please know that although they mean well it is not your job to carry their trauma.

This is not their story, it is yours!

Story time !

When I was pregnant , preparing for my home birth with my last baby I called the insurance company to see if they would cover any of my home birth or doula care.

What I got instead of support was a lecture on how irresponsible I was for choosing to give birth at home.

Luckily for me I could recognize that she does not know what I know. She has been fed the fear soup and drank it all up before asking what the ingredients were. So I thanked her for her concern but assured her that I feel confident in my choice as I hung up the phone.

You too my love may get negative Nancy's trying to rain in your birth pool. So how will you protect your space ?

🔆 It could be you vocalizing your boundaries of what sort of images, stories and energy your surrounding yourself in

🔆It could be physically removing yourself

🔆It could be imagining an impenetrable bubble around yourself not allowing anyone's stories to influence the way that you feel about your experience.

Here is another example: A client of mine had been surrounded by friends that told her their bodies never dilated on their own and that they HAD to be induced in order to go into labor. Sadly her subconscious mind did fall victim to believing that too. Because not only was it friends but it was also her provider …. So at 42 weeks and no baby yet, she was in fact induced. Now who's to say why this happened. It could have been a range of different reasons , one could have been that her baby and body just didn't feel that it was safe enough to go into labor yet.

I would love to know your thoughts on this and if you have any stories you'd like to share with me ? just respond to this email and I would love to read it!

☮How do you protect your peace?


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