After Birth Pains

Did you know that after you give birth to your baby and the placenta you will continue to have cramps in your uterus similar to period cramps?

The reason this is happening is because your uterus is doing exactly what it is designed to do , which is to cramp down to go back to its original size ( from a watermelon to a pear) and to help those blood vessels from the wound left in your uterus constrict and stop bleeding. 

Nursing your baby / pumping your milk will also create these cramps because it is stimulating Oxytocin to be released. 

Your body is perfectly designed to know what to do

The good news is that it gets better every day 

The more you are able to rest your body, the faster your body will heal 

Somethings you can try to ease the discomfort are 

  1. Drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea during pregnancy and postpartum ( 1 cup a day per trimester) 

  2. After Ease Tincture from Wish Garden

  3. After Birth Tea - my doula friend makes this and it is divine!

  4. Womb Massage 

  5. Ibuprofen 

I don't recommend a heating pad as that can increase the uterus to bleed more due to thinning the blood, but you can apply it to your lower back if that feels nice. 

>>>If you notice that your bleeding slows down and then increases, that is typically a sign that you are doing too much and that you need to make sure you take it easier. 

Lean on your village to help you, if you don't know who can be a helper to you in postpartum I recommended looking into hiring a postpartum doula. These are individuals that are trained to come to your home and help nourish the mother so you can care for your baby. They are an amazing gift to give yourself during this transformational journey of becoming a mother. 

As always this is not medical advice and I recommend that you speak to your Midwife or OB if you have any concerns. 

Thank you for being here friend!

xo, Trista Birdzell


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